MSS 11



MSS 11


Psalter: Excerpt from Gregory of Tours’s Libri Historiarum (X) (To Change Later)


Gregory of Tours




c. 1475




214 x 150 mm (140 x 93 mm)


Gothic Textualis



Pricking and Ruling

Visible pricking marks on the outside margin. Light brown ruling lines that extend horizontally and vertically; most likely composed in plummet or some sort of lead.


Fol. 1r:
31 lines of gothic text divided into two columns. Text is slightly off center and leans towards the left margin. Script is small and compact with ample flourishes, slashes, and abbreviations. Two rubrications that divide sections of the text. Two initials on this page that take up two lines respectively. The one written in blue begins on line fifteen of the first column after two words/shorthand symbols on the previous line; the second rubricated in red occupies the twenty-second line of the second column of text and is also preceded by a similar rubrication. No additional adornment or decoration besides the rubrications and their associated abbreviations.

Fol. 1v:
31 lines of gothic text divided into two columns. Text is slightly off center and leans towards the right margin. Script is small and compact with ample flourishes, slashes, and abbreviations. wo rubrications that divide sections of the text. One initial on this page; written in blue on the twenty-third line of the first column that is preceded by two words rubricated in red. No additional adornment or decoration besides the rubrications and their associated abbreviations.


Simple punctus used frequently. Significant number of forward diagonal slashes towards the conclusion of certain lines and throughout the text in general to indicate where certain words are enjambed.


Fol. 1r:

Fol. 1v:
The following number is written in the bottom right corner in pencil in modern hand: ST 9059-359. This is the dealer number that corresponds to the Pirages descriptions of their leaves. Additionally, in the bottom middle of the page a faint circle has been inscribed. The contents of this circle are illegible because they have faded significantly, but I presume that it was the selling price of the medieval leaf. Quite possibly someone may have attempted to erase it after the transaction had been finalized.

Provenance and History

Acquired from California Book Fair Purchases in 2016.

Object Number



“MSS 11,” Manuscript Leaves , accessed October 5, 2024,